15 Motivating Weight Loss Success Stories


I know that losing weight can sometimes feel like an impossibility. Many people have tried for YEARS to shed the pounds and keep them off.

But many of the women I work with every day in my online weight loss coaching programs have found success in their weight loss. They were all motivated by different reasons – some wanted to feel more comfortable in their bodies; some wanted to be healthier; others wanted to gain more energy. They all wanted to regain control over a part of themselves they felt slipping away from them – and they were able to regain that control by working Masala Body’s programs.

Not only are Masala Body’s clients losing weight, but they’re keeping the weight off. Their tummies are flatter, they’ve lost inches in their thighs, hips, arms, and waist, and they have their curves back. They feel more energetic and are doing activities they always dreamed of doing, like yoga, traveling, and running around with their children and grandchildren.

Read here for 15 motivating weight loss stories from Masala Body’s clients, including:

  • Dr. Monica, an anesthesiologist, and mother of two lost 16 pounds starting with the 8-week Slim Down Jumpstart
  • Tree, a woman in her 40s with a demanding career at a Fortune 500 company who lost 20 pounds and 8 inches off her waist
  • Patti, 58-years-old and over the course of 8 months lost 55 pounds and dropped four clothing sizes
  • Suzanne lost 5.5 inches and 12 pounds in just 8 weeks and she is 61

Learn how these women and others lost the weight, kept it off, and what their lives are like now that they have their figures and health back.


Yes, women over 40 can lose weight! I know that it’s harder to lose weight over 40, but these success stories prove that with the right diet and plan, losing weight when you’re in your 40s, 50s, 60s, and older is totally possible.

Best of all, these are long-term weight loss success stories. In other words, the women who went through this transformation did so in a sustainable way that ensures they can keep up their lifestyle in the future (instead of seeing their weight yo-yo, which often happens with restrictive dieting habits).

That said, your body changes as you age, which can make weight loss after 40 more challenging. Muscle mass starts to decrease by around 3-8% per decade after the age of 30. (This rate accelerates after the age of 60.) A decrease in muscle mass leads to a progressive increase in fat mass and changes in body composition. In other words, your body changes as you age.

That’s why you need the right strategies for losing weight after age 40.

The following success stories explain how these Masala Body clients achieved long-lasting weight loss results.

1. Dr. Monica – lost 11 pounds and 7 inches in 8 weeks; so far lost a total of 16 pounds

At 44 years old, Dr. Monica dreamed of wearing sleeveless dresses and swimsuits, but her arms and thighs made her uncomfortable wearing revealing clothing. A busy mother of two with a demanding job running a private anesthesiology practice, she didn’t have time to hit the gym or develop a weight loss diet customized to her preferences and schedule. But she still wanted to lose weight.

Like many of us, Monica first enrolled in various weight loss programs but never saw consistent results. She even gave intermittent fasting a shot, but to her surprise, it only produced temporary results and was overly restrictive.

As a doctor, she wanted to lose weight in a healthy way. That’s when a colleague recommended Masala body. After losing almost 4 pounds in about 5 days through my Metabolism Boosting Workshop, Monica knew she had hit the jackpot. She then signed up for Masala Body’s Slim Down Personal Weight Loss Coaching program and in just 8 weeks, Dr. Monica lost 11 pounds and 7 inches.

This is what Dr. Monica had to say about her weight loss journey with Masala Body:

“I’ve been complimented before but now everyone is blown away. The amount of comments about how good I look and how sexy I am is drastic. I’m excited because everyone sees the difference and I do, too. I look great, and I feel great.”


In just 8 weeks, Monica lost a remarkable 11 pounds! She is still losing weight, and so far has lost 16 pounds.

More importantly, she was finally able to wear what she wanted because she:

  • Melted two inches off her waist.
  • Disappeared two inches from her hips
  • Lost one inch from each thigh
  • Vanished one inch from each arm
  • Has so far lost a total of 16 pounds

“I can wear clothes I haven’t worn before. I wore a halter top the other day! I haven’t worn anything that shows my arms in a long time.”

Monica is no longer wasting precious time worrying about how to lose weight in her 40’s. Instead, she’s using her time to live her best life in her sexiest body! Thanks to Masala Body, suddenly her tight pair of medium-sized scrubs are being swapped for extra smalls and she confidently wears strapless dresses to parties!

Now that she has an easy framework that is personalized for her specific needs, she’s shunned a lifetime of yo-yo dieting for a permanent healthy lifestyle.


2. Norma – lost 20 lbs.

Norma is a busy tax lawyer in her 40s with two kids who loves to travel and eat out. But because of long work days, she had a hard time with eating healthy. One day, looking at a picture of herself, it hit her that she didn’t like the way she looked. She didn’t feel good about herself.

That’s when she decided to take matters into her own hands.

Now, she knew that she didn’t want a quick fix or a fad diet. She wanted a lifestyle change. And when she heard about my program, Slim Down Transformation, she decided to join.

Today, halfway through the program, she has already lost 20 pounds.

What has it led to? Norma is shopping for new jeans because her old ones are too big. She feels slimmer and less bloated. And she’s noticed that her physical performance has improved when she works out.

The best part? Norma is sticking to her new, healthier lifestyle. Because she feels so good when implementing the program, she can’t wait to get back on it, even if she veers away from it at times.

That’s the beauty of making sustainable lifestyle changes; you can easily come back to them after a holiday, vacation or another time when your routine changes and you’ll be fine because you practice those healthy habits the majority of the time.

3. Louise – lost 13 lbs. in 10 weeks

My client, Louise, was stuck in a spiral of overeating. Louise is a busy 40+-year old UX expert who travels often and takes care of her children.

Due to her busy schedule, which requires her to travel up to five days a week, Louise ended up eating whatever she could quickly grab at the airport, such as cake and alcohol. She already felt like she was carrying too much weight, as she had gained some during her pregnancies over a decade earlier.

But after going through my program, Louise lost 13 pounds in just 10 weeks and stopped feeling like she could only wear frumpy dresses. What’s more, she got more energy, better skin, and got rid of her stomach problems.

weight loss client louise

4. Tree – lost 20 pounds

Tree is in her 40s and works for a Fortune 500 company. As you can imagine, she’s extremely busy and does not have time to work out for hours or think about every crumb she’s going to eat.

At the same time, Tree didn’t feel comfortable in her own skin. She used food as an emotional outlet, which just led to more stress.

Tree lost a whopping 20 pounds and 8 inches off her waist after joining my program. She says she has more energy and has finally found the motivation to work out again. Plus, she did all of this without restricting herself and still enjoys chocolate cakes and other treats from time to time.

weight loss client tree

5. Pernia – lost 11 lbs. in 5 months

Dr. Pernia is an internal medicine physician with a certification in obesity management and a mom of two boys.

She had tried all the diets including intermittent fasting, low-carb diets, and paleo, but nothing worked long-term. She knew diets weren’t the best solution, but at the same time, she had put on 20 lbs. over the years and wanted to find a way to lose some of that weight. Because Dr. Pernia works in obesity management, she felt that she wasn’t practicing what she was preaching.

Because of her busy lifestyle, she wasn’t eating healthy. She also doesn’t love cooking and didn’t want to spend hours in the kitchen in order to eat healthy, either.

After going through my program, Dr. Pernia completely changed her eating habits. She started planning her meals and preparing them. Suddenly, she started preparing quick lunches, which helped her feel full and satisfied the entire day.

After around five months, she had lost 11 pounds, including 3.5 inches off her waist. But she’s not done yet. Dr. Pernia will continue using the program to lose more weight in a sustainable way that works with her lifestyle.


How do you lose weight if you’re over 50? By the age of 50, you’ve lost 10% of your muscle mass.

To meet your body’s new needs, you need to know what strategies to use. Here’s how these women succeeded.

6. Jami lost 15.2 lbs

Jami didn’t want to feel the muffin top, or the “spare tire” that had slowly been creeping up over the past decade. At the age of 55, and at 5’4″, 130 pounds, she had wanted to reach the weight of 125, where she felt more comfortable. Her weight wasn’t her biggest concern, however.

Her waistline had been expanding – and it kept going up over time. She wanted to reduce her visceral abdominal fat because she knew that it was unhealthy and didn’t support longevity.

She had been wanting to learn to eat right, but couldn’t get herself to do it.

She had significantly improved her eating habits over the years but had not yet figured out how to implement a truly healthy, real food-eating lifestyle that enabled her to be the best version of herself. She didn’t feel confident that she could maintain the high quality of life that she wanted to a ripe old age.

She wanted to finally nail that down. She enjoyed being active but had been working out without seeing results for years, and that was utterly frustrating.

Jami needed guidance – someone who would work past her excuses and lead her to solutions. She would need a professional weight loss coach to support and guide her journey toward a new lifestyle. A lifestyle that put her health first while maintaining the active life she had always loved.

She would need a professional weight loss coach to support and guide her journey toward a new lifestyle. A lifestyle that put her health first while maintaining the active life she had always loved.


  • How to trim down her visceral abdominal fat.
  • How to make meal planning easy, convenient, and satisfying enough that even her husband would get on board.
  • How to lose weight with a diverse, well-rounded diet that didn’t make her feel deprived or restricted.
  • How to make vegetables taste good!

What made Jami a unique client was that at 130 pounds, she only had a small amount of weight to lose – so details mattered! My job was to make those details tie uniquely into her framework.


“I don’t think I was 115 pounds even when I was in high school!”


In just 8 weeks, Jami, 5’4”, shed a total of 9 pounds, but continued losing even after:

  • Eight months from the start of the program, Jami has melted away a total of 15.2 pounds
  • Her once troublesome waist and hips shrunk by 3 inches (and she now has a 29″ waist!)
  • She dropped 2 inches off her thighs.

Though it’s always impressive to see what my clients can lose within the 8-week program, it’s the check-ins that are most gratifying. Eight months after I first met with Jami, she continued to lose, demonstrating that the tools and skills she learned were sustainable, even with a busy schedule.


7. Carmen – lost 18 lbs.

Carmen is a working mom with ten kids, four of them still living at home. While she always ate healthily, she wasn’t really getting the result she wanted.

After having cared for her family for so long, Carmen finally felt that she needed to invest in herself.

And that’s when she decided to join my program. She’s now halfway through it and has already lost 18 pounds. Her energy levels are up and she has the energy to start two new hobbies- skating and biking.

All of this even though she hit 10 pounds and plateaued (weight loss plateaus are common). But thanks to accountability weight loss coaching, she was quickly back on track.

The biggest reason for her transformation? Eating healthier and a shift in her mindset. Carmen especially says that the accountability coaching she receives in my program is crucial because of the specific advice that helps her improve, something that was lacking from just having a friend try to support her.

Want to get the same results? Get the free Sweet Spice Cheat Sheet to learn how to boost your metabolism and replace sugar.

8. Stephanie – lost 15 lbs.

Stephanie is in her 50s, has a grown-up daughter, volunteers in her community, and has a leadership role at her busy job.

She felt that she wasn’t prioritizing her health by constantly snacking on sugary foods and stress eating. She had also found out that she had pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

That’s when she decided to take better care of her health and so she joined my program. She learned how to control her sugar cravings and make a true lifestyle change.

Today, Stephanie has lost 15 pounds and 3 inches off her hips and waist. Most importantly, she’s no longer pre-diabetes and her cholesterol and blood pressure are back to normal levels.

As a result, Stephanie has so much more energy, allowing her to pursue her dream of obtaining a Master’s degree and Ph.D. in leadership.

lose weight after 50

9. Patti – lost 54.5 lbs.

58-year-old Patti has a family and an incredibly busy job. She was at a place in her life where she wanted to lose weight. Patti had become very sedentary because she was stuck working at home during the pandemic, which is one of the reasons she decided to invest in her health. She started with my free Slim Down Transformation workshop and realized it could be easy to make healthy changes.

Today, Patti has lost 54.5 lbs and 3 inches off her body in just 8 months. She’s also gone down four clothing sizes. And she says it feels like the weight is just falling off!

How? Patti uses specific metabolism-boosting meal plans to cook for herself and her family. In addition, she has weekly accountability check-ins. For the first six months, she wasn’t exercising but just focused on what she ate. Once she felt more energized, she added on exercise.

And Patti realized she thrived with a framework, coaching, and lifestyle changes, rather than a diet like Weight Watchers. With those types of diets, she would lose weight, but then that weight would come back on.

Now, she sees how her weight and inches are going down and loves to celebrate her successes with her family. An added bonus is that her entire family loves the foods she eats. And she doesn’t feel restricted at all!

The best part? She can play with her grandson without feeling tired or like she can’t be active with him.

Her energy levels are through the roof. Nowadays, she loves eating the right foods and feeling great as a result.

10. Vicky – lost 17 lbs. In 8 weeks

Vicky, a mom of two grown-up children, used to feel tired and sluggish after every workday. She’d snack on unhealthy foods and her weight kept creeping up. Vicky knew she had to do something, but no diets or weight-loss programs seemed to work.

And within the first 8 weeks, she had lost 17 pounds without any exercise. She also shed 7.5 inches off her body and went down from a size 16 to 12.

She also has so much more energy and instead of napping or snacking (like she used to), she takes walks. All without feeling like she’s restricting herself!

weight loss client story


What are the best weight loss success stories of over 60-year-olds? The thing is: people over 60 can lose weight just as well as younger people. This was shown in a study of obese patients over the age of 60 who used only lifestyle changes to lose weight.

Here’s how these women have implemented this in their own lives.

11. Suzanne – at age 61, lost 5.5 inches from her waist and 12 pounds in 8 weeks

Suzanne spent her early life climbing the corporate ladder and retired from her career in the pharmaceutical industry to spend more time playing golf and traveling with her husband and family – and that she did.

However, even though she walked 10 miles while golfing 2-3 times a week, Suzanne’s weight loss had plateaued. Any diet she tried left her feeling ravenous in between meals. No matter what she did, she still couldn’t lose the 10 – 15 extra pounds that she wanted to.

She also couldn’t shake the nagging worry that even though her weight was stable now if she wasn’t able to stay physically active through playing golf…how much would she weigh? Before she knew it, those extra pounds could easily multiply, she feared.

She knew that to really make the most out of the retirement she had worked towards all her life, she needed to take action. Despite her best efforts to lose weight, she clearly wasn’t able to do it on her own.

If she wanted to have the energy to travel the world with her husband, maintain her golf game, and live the rest of her life in the body of her dreams, she needed to do something differently. It was time to reach out to a professional weight loss coach.


wdt_IDWeekPre-StartingStartingWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Total Lost
1Weigh & Measure DatePre-BoostWednesday, October 26Saturday, October 29Saturday, November 5Saturday, November 12Saturday, November 19Saturday, November 26Saturday, December 3Saturday, December 10Saturday, December 17Final
2Weight (lbs)15014514614414314114114114113812 lbs.
3Bust4140.539.539.539.538.538.539383 in.
4Waist (belly button)39.5393836.5353534.534.5345.5 in.
5Hip39.539.539.538.538.538383837.52 in.
6L Thigh (middle)24232221.521.521212120.53.5 in.
7L Arm (middle of top)111111111110.510.510.510.50.5 in.
8Calves15151414.514.5141414.5141 in.
9Shirt Sizemediummediummediummediummediummediummediummediummedium
10Pants Sizelargelargelargelargemedium-largemedium-largemedium-largemedium-largemedium
wdt_IDDays ExercisedStartingWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8
1Cardio exercises000000333
2Strength-training exercises000000000
3Golf in cart222200000


Beyond losing 12 pounds in just 8 weeks, Suzanne also melted away:

  • 5.5 inches from her waist
  • 3.5 inches from her thighs
  • 2 inches from her hips

Suzanne now feels confident and amazing in her body. She can wear her old clothes that previously wouldn’t fit. She is currently fulfilling her traveling dreams and thriving at her golf games all while looking flawless.

“Before, I felt like I was shaped like a refrigerator. Now I feel more shapely.”

Suzanne now feels amazing in her clothes and can wear whatever she wants with confidence and ease. In fact, she recently went shopping for a smaller size of jeans because in just 8 weeks she has:

  • Slimmed down 1 pants size
  • Moved 3 holes closer on her belt size (that’s 5lbs per hole!)

Not only does she look amazing in her new jeans, she feels physically amazing too. How many times can you remember trying to squeeze into your favorite jeans with a bloated belly, only to give up? Thanks to Masala Body and easy, healthy lifestyle changes (like drinking a glass of delicious infused debloating water daily), Suzanne will never have to battle a pair of jeans again.

Read Suzanne’s full weight loss success story here.

12. Pam – lost 100 lbs.

Pam, who’s in her 60s, used to be severely overweight. She’s a diabetic, which made losing weight all the harder as she couldn’t just eat anything.

But she decided to join my program. And within five months, she had lost 50 pounds, and within seven months, 70 pounds. Today, Pam has lost 100 pounds. And all of this despite having to restrict what she ate.

13. Barbara – Lost 25 pounds in 3 months

When Barbara retired as a teacher, she felt that she could finally put herself first. That’s when she decided to join my program. Within three months, Barbara had lost 25 pounds and 11 inches off her body. Her overall health improved, too, as her blood work improved and she came down on many of her medications.

Not only that, but Barbara doesn’t follow a restrictive diet. Instead, she feels full and satisfied after every meal.

Barbara lose weight after 60

Vegan and vegetarian weight loss success stories

Some research indicates that vegetarians and vegans have an easier time losing weight, and there is growing evidence that plant-based diets are healthier than other diets, making it a win-win.

A well-balanced vegan or vegetarian weight loss plan helps ensure that you get all the important nutrients you need, while still promoting weight loss.

Here are some of my favorite vegetarian and vegan weight loss success stories.

14. Poorvi – lost 16 lbs.

Poorvi is an Indian vegetarian with a 6-year-old and a 2-year-old and a demanding job. Additionally, she took care of her kids during a global pandemic — and still managed to lose 16 lbs and a foot of fat from her body (15 inches across her body). Her waist is around three inches down and even more from her lower body. Impressive!

Poorvi is happy that she can more easily buy jeans. She used to be fit before having kids, but afterward, it was a struggle to keep it up.

But after her second kid, she finally decided to do it. However, other things always came in the way. When the Covid-19 crisis hit, Poorvi lost 6 pounds from just the stress, but quickly gained back 8 pounds. That’s when she finally decided to take control of her own weight.

She found my program Slim Down Transformation and decided she wanted to lose weight badly enough.

Poorvi appreciated that the program is inclusive of vegetarians (and includes tasty food) and the fact that she was able to do it with a full-time job and kids.

She’s created a truly healthy and sustainable lifestyle for herself and feels full and satisfied the entire day (she can even eat her favorite treat, donuts). And something that’s priceless is that she feels a lot lighter and more energetic and can keep up with her kids.

15. Rachel – lost 8 lbs.

Rachel, who at the time of going through my program was a working graduate student, had a busy lifestyle. In just one week, she was able to lose 8 lbs. — all with a vegetarian weight loss plan.

She even stopped craving sugar. Now, she has a much easier time saying no to sweets and as a result, she doesn’t have the same mood swings she used to have.

What factors help guarantee success with weight loss?

  • A weight loss coach

Having a professional who specializes in creating unique diet and workout plans which help you meet and surpass your weight loss goals is crucial. A seasoned weight loss coach will critically analyze your situation from a different angle and come up with the best approach for achieving optimum results.

  • Supportive weight loss community

Being in a tightly knit weight loss community provides emotional and mental support, especially during the second stage of weight loss. Seeing little to no results can be discouraging and perhaps lead to emotional eating. During such a time, a weight loss community can provide a shoulder to lean on and help avoid succumbing to old habits.

  • Consistency

Consistency is a fundamental factor for achieving success. The more consistent you are at eating healthy, working out, and losing weight, the more momentum you build. Your struggles eventually turn into good habits and you start noticing weight loss. Consistency helps you develop self-control while making you more disciplined and focused on your goals.

  • Supportive family and spouse

To increase your mental well-being, surround yourself with family members that share your weight loss goals. At times the weight loss journey can be overwhelming. It’s therefore important to have a support system that will encourage you and pick you back up in case you stumble. Moreover, having a significant other who cares for you and encourages you throughout your weight loss journey can significantly boost your morale.

  • Having a positive mindset

It all starts with you. Having a positive mindset and attitude will help you achieve better results relatively faster. It helps you relax and remain focused on your goals. A positive mindset also helps you downplay minor challenges, setbacks, and inconveniences that could distract you from your main goal.

  • Taking small steps

Just like being consistent, small steps help you build momentum and deter decision fatigue. Always have smaller, realistic weight loss targets, rather than huge unrealistic targets that might lead to weight loss and muscle loss. Do not be afraid to review your goals if they seem far-fetched. Doing so will help you better manage your cognitive load and keep you committed to taking the necessary steps to achieve change and realizing your dreams

How much weight do you lose before you show?

5-10% of total body weight. However, that largely depends on several factors such as age, nutrition, and hormonal imbalance.

Age: Your metabolic rate decreases as you age. Body activity level is also significantly reduced.

Nutrition: Healthy and nutritious foods help speed up weight loss. Protein-rich diets are highly recommended.

Hormonal imbalance: Hormones such as Cortisol (stress hormone), can lead to cravings, and stress eating which leads to excess weight retention

How long does it take for you to notice weight loss?

Now you know what some amazing weight loss success stories can look like.

Next, wonder what this can mean for you?

Here’s how fast you can lose weight and the steps you need to take to do it.

How much weight do you lose before you show?

If you’re wondering how much weight you need to lose for it to show, here’s what you need to know:

It depends on your body type.

However, what I’ve seen from my clients is that even a few pounds can make a big difference. Think about it: if you lose just a bit of fat off your belly, your jeans will fit better. And that shows.

How much weight can you realistically lose in a month?

Realistically, you should only lose 1-2 pounds a week and 4-8 pounds a month when you’re trying to lose weight.

Can you lose weight fast?

The thing is: you shouldn’t.

If you lose weight rapidly, you might lose muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat tissue and can help you lose weight, so you shouldn’t only go off the weight on the scale.

Plus, according to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, eating fewer than 800 calories a day can be harmful and can lead to dehydration, kidney infections, irregular periods, and sudden death.

A review of long-term studies found that one-third to two-thirds of people who lose weight on diets gain back more weight than they had lost. Researchers also concluded that there isn’t evidence that diets result in significant or lasting health improvements.

In addition, a study of the participants on ‘The Biggest Loser’, a show where participants compete to lose weight for a cash prize, found that most participants re-gained their weight due to a slowed metabolism. When your metabolism slows down, it makes it harder to lose weight and sustain it.

How Masala Body’s Weight Loss Programs help women lose weight

One of the main reasons most women sign up is because of how my weight loss programs seamlessly integrate with the different lifestyles, from different career women.

My weight loss programs are built on a solid foundation and philosophy of no restriction, no deprivation, and no long hours at the gym. I provide a more holistic approach to weight loss backed by my vast and unmatched experience in behavioral and nutritional science.

Some of the benefits of my weight loss programs include

Food framework: Fully customized food framework geared to weight loss, which integrates with your lifestyle and career.

Flexibility: No food deprivation and calorie counting. I craft unique meal plans that intrigue your taste buds while helping you lose weight.

Resources: Get lifetime access to my hand-built library of nutritious recipes, training materials, modules, and amazing fitness videos.

Convenience: Beyond having unlimited access to online modules and resources, you can always book virtual check-ins based on your schedule, and without interfering with your career.

Accountability: Monthly one on one virtual calls that help you stay consistent, disciplined, and focused on your weight loss goals.

Community: Inquire and learn from a supportive community of clients who achieved success by following my weight loss program.

Over to you!

There you have it! Now you know what weight loss success stories through online weight loss coaching can look like.

All of these women followed a proven program, took consistent action, and saw the results, despite their age, dietary restrictions, and other circumstances.

If you’re motivated to learn more about Masala Body’s weight loss programs, check out my 8-week Slim Down Personal Weight Loss Coaching program, or book a call with me today!

Or check out my weight loss quiz to see if an online program is right for you!

Reviewed by: Diana Gariglio-Clelland (RD, BSc)

The post 15 Motivating Weight Loss Success Stories appeared first on MasalaBody.

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