The Optavia Diet: Does it Work?


While it is a good thing to research and learn about any diet or nutrition program, I have a personal success story about the Optavia Diet. My story began in 2009 when what is now known as Optavia was first known as a company called Take Shape for Life. TSFL was a health and wellness company that offered a way for people to lose weight and get healthy by using a nutrition program that included Medifast meals. The nutrition program was referred to as the 5&1 program. Once on the program, a person would eat 6 times a day, with 5 of those “meals” being Medifast meal replacements. The 6th meal was considered a “Lean and Green” that you prepare yourself. The Take Shape for Life Program also included the benefit of a personal coach who would advise and encourage you along your weight loss journey.

Prior to 2009, I had not heard of the Take Shape for Life program, but it seemed that year, there was a wave of people in my area becoming health coaches as they were having weight loss success of their own. While I had never previously been on any kind of a specific or structured diet, for years had thought that it would be “nice” to lose 20 or 30 pounds. My previous attempts typically included an exercise routine with lots of cardio but no real plan for changing my eating habits. My weight would fluctuate by 5 pounds up and down, but I had zero success ever getting beyond that point or achieving true, actual fat loss. I was intrigued by the success people were having with this program, that’s now known as Optavia.

The Benefits of a Structured Nutrition Program

I would never have thought I was a perfect candidate for a “diet.” I didn’t consider myself overweight enough to need help or structure in my nutrition, but I was wrong. What I learned is that I was, in fact, in a perfect place for the right nutrition program to be exactly what I needed to finally experience fat loss success. I wasn’t fond of the Take Shape for Life business model that worked as a top-down business. I didn’t want to be sold on a successful lifestyle, and I didn’t want to be recruited to become a health coach. I was, however, convinced by the weight loss results that other people were having. I knew people firsthand that I’d see week to week, and it was like the fat was melting off their bodies. These were actual transformations that I had never seen as often and on so many people. When I started the nutrition program, I was confident that if I stuck to it as laid out in the plan, it would work. Within 12 weeks, I was down 20 pounds, and as I continued forward with the 5&1 plan, I eventually lost a total of 30 pounds in about 16 weeks.

Take Shape for Life Becomes Optavia

In 2017 Take Shape for Life changed its name to Optavia and introduced a new line of products, Optavia Essentials, which can be purchased from the website. Optavia health coaches don’t sell the products directly, but they do receive a commission on the sales of the products to their clients. Optavia health coaches do not stock, store, or ship any of these products; they are all ordered and distributed by Optavia directly.

What Is The Optavia Diet?

Optavia Essentials kit 5&1

Optavia Essentials kit 5&1, $395.25

Optavia is made up of 4 components:

  • Independent Optavia coaches who deliver guidance and inspiration on your journey.
  • A community of warm, like-minded people providing real-time encouragement.
  • Clinically proven plans and scientifically developed products called fuelings, which are designed by dietitians, scientists, and physicians.
  • Habits of Health Transformational System offering easy steps to a sustainably healthy lifestyle.

The Optavia Diet can offer weight loss success because it not only provides structured nutrition that will lead to fat loss but also addresses the support and habit change that is necessary for long-term and permanent healthy change.

Does the Optavia Diet Work?

Yes, the Optavia Diet works, and I am living proof! I eventually became an Independent Health Coach and, for years, helped people on the Optavia program experience the same weight loss success I had. While I’m no longer a coach with the Optavia company, I have always said that if you do the 5&1 program and you follow it correctly, it will always work.

How the Optavia Diet Works

After about 3 days of starting the nutrition program, your body goes into fat-burning mode and begins to burn fat for fuel rather than simply burning carbs and calories from what you’re eating. It is a brilliant program that has been specifically designed to burn fat which is why attempting to modify it in any way will impede your weight loss efforts. If you do the 5&1 program as prescribed by Optavia, you will find weight loss success.

The Take-Away: The Optavia Diet Works

Dawna Optavia before and after

Author Dawna’s before and after pictures.

You will find fat loss success doing the Optavia Diet if you follow the advice of your coach and implement the Habits of Health which focus on changing your mindset toward life-long healthy habits. This means that you will not only lose weight but you will be equipped to know what to do to keep it off and stay healthy for the rest of your life.

Years later, I have continued to maintain a healthy weight and progress into a fit and healthy lifestyle. The Optavia 5&1 program, and Habits of Health, were fundamental not only to the weight loss success that I experienced initially but also to the complete mindset shift that happened through that success.

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The post The Optavia Diet: Does it Work? appeared first on Prime Women | An Online Magazine.

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