Women’s Eye Health in Screen Jobs


Spending too much time looking at a computer screen might harm your eyes and exacerbate dry eye issues. Work duties, on the other hand, may prevent you from restricting the amount of time you spend in front of a computer.

Here are some ways to prevent excessive eye strain if you are a woman who has a straining desk job and needs to look at the computer and other screens.

Why Is the Issue of Women’s Eye Health Important?

According to the World Health Organization‘s World Report on Vision, women live longer on average than males, putting them at a higher risk of acquiring age-related eye disorders. Even after accounting for age, global estimates indicate that women with moderate to severe exhibiting distance vision impairment surpass men by about 7%.

You may also experience eye problems at a younger age if your job requires much computer use. For example, if you are in the software development field and are dedicated to ventures like the Stable cell line development service. However, you’re not alone: at least half of individuals who work in front of a computer have eye problems, and the figure could be closer to 90%, if we may assume.

Understand the Importance of Regular Eye Examinations

As we become older, our eyesight begins to shift noticeably. A condition known as presbyopia occurs in people over the age of 40 when the eye’s lens becomes less flexible, making it more difficult to concentrate on distant objects.

As we age, our eye muscles may begin to show signs of deterioration. With all of these adjustments, you must follow the advice of your eye care provider and have your eyes checked by a professional.

Diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, and other eye illnesses, such as leaking blood vessels, odd lens alterations, and nerve tissue damage, can all be detected by dilatation by eye doctors.

Eye care professionals recommend a dilated eye exam every one to three years, depending on the patient’s age.

What You Can Do

  • Aim to have the display’s top at or below eye level when using a computer monitor. You won’t have to bend your neck to see the screen. However, you should utilize a footrest if you cannot raise the monitor’s height because this will allow your feet to hang loosely as you work.
  • Extra glare on the screen makes it more difficult for your eyes to interpret what you’re reading. There are two ways to reduce glare: You may either relocate your computer away from the window or close the blinds.
  • Inordinately bright light, such as sunlight streaming through a window or harsh indoor lighting, can create digital eye strain.

Close the drapes or blinds on your windows to block out the sun’s rays. Using fewer light bulbs and lower-intensity bulbs and tubes can help reduce the amount of light in your home. Make sure your computer is positioned such that the windows on either side of the screen face you rather than facing away from you.

Even if you overstrain yourself from work, don’t ‘overlook’ your eyes!

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.Original Article